LoneStar Malinois puppies go through extensive imprint training. All of our puppies receive a temporary I.D and microchip for identification purposes. Each week we are working on various sounds and surfaces, socialization and environmental stimulation. At the end of each week we are testing how they score during imprint training which in the end will help us in determining how we match our puppies to their new home. The Puppy Deposit Request Form is where you will include everything you'd like us to know about you, your family, your lifestyle, interest and experience with the breed so we can match you with the best puppy possible. Our Malinois are extremely intelligent, highly trainable, eager to please, alert and very responsive. They look at you for guidance in their journey in being the Belgian Malinois you've hoped for. Personal Protection, PTSD, Emotional Support, Working & Sport prospects. You put the work in raising your puppy and providing adequate brain stimulation, exercise, and socialization they will become what you have dreamed for in a Belgian Malinois!
Health & Hip Warranty
Our puppies have a Lifetime Congenital Health & Defect Warranty, along with a 30 month Hip & Elbow warranty, which will be outlined in your Breeders Contract. They also receive all age appropriate vaccinations and dewormings while they are here. It is then your responsibility to complete the entire round of puppy vaccinations including Bordetella and rabies. We suggest that you do this before taking your puppy to any public places such as a pet stores and dog parks. We do not warranty communicable diseases, please be cautious where you take your puppy before they are fully vaccinated.
Microchips, Vaccinations, & Dewormings
Puppies are De-Wormed every 2 weeks with Pyrantel & Ponazuril which cover all worms and prevent intestinal parasites. They receive the Nobivac Puppy-DPv Vaccine at 7-8 weeks which will be outlined on your Puppy Health Record. We microchip all puppies with (Pro ID Mini Chip™) The mini chip is universally read by all scanners and registration cards are included. Puppies are then transferred to our outside facility where they receive plenty of Environmental Imprinting as well as Socialization.
AKC Registration
All puppies come with Full AKC Registration which will be included in your puppy folder. When registering your puppy make sure to carry our kennel name ( you must put " LoneStar's " in front of your puppies chosen name to not void your warranty.)
Puppy Starter Bags
The day you pick up your Malinois, you will receive a Puppy Starter Bag with a variety of items I put together from companies I partner up with to help get your puppy off on the right track and to give you ideas of age appropriate items.

Puppy Imprinting:
Puppies have a small window of time during brain development when they are most impressionable. This is called the imprinting period. For Malinois puppies, the imprinting period is during the first 16 weeks of life. Puppies learn more during this time than they can learn in a life time.Therefore what they learn in the period of time will have a huge impact on there future personalities and determine the formation of many of their "good" or "bad" Malinois behavior tendencies.
It is important to us to provide our puppies with brain stimulation environmental and socialization imprinting for proper development and adjustment to living in human society. Malinois puppies learn a lot from there mom in the first 8 weeks of life, everything from potty training to getting exposed to many sounds and surfaces. Every Malinois puppy here is exposed to a variety of sounds and surfaces.we live near one of the largest,military bases in the US,(Fort Hood) and they are exposed to many sounds such as gun shots, canons, artillery. helicopters,tanks and more. We also have training tools like clatter sticks and whips which simulate gun shots.Empty bottles with rocks, pools with empty water bottles,balls,and other objects helps get puppies used to many surfaces along with tile, concrete, wood, gravel, dirt, grass, and more. Each puppy has also participated in Sponsor Photos I feel it's important to get them used to the many photos to come and what better way then including them in the many marketing photos I do for our sponsored companies.